بسم ا لله ا لر حمن ا لر حيم
- allin - Unlocks Zone special move.
- crosscountry - Unlocks all cities in arcade mode.
- dfens - Unlocks Argo special move.
- getheadj - Unlocks Yellow Smiley Face.
- getheadk - Unlocks Pumpkin Head.
- getheadl - Unlocks Bunny Head.
- getheadm - Unlocks Snowman Head.
- getheadn - Unlocks Skull Head.
- haveyouseenthisboy - Unlocks Chrome Body.
- hyperagro - Increases your car’s mass in arcade mode.
- kubmir - Adds a dollar to your career money total.
- ontheroad - Allows your car to receive no damage.
- rimbuk - Subtracts a dollar from your career money total.
- roadtrip - Unlocks all cities in arcade mode.
- ro4r - Unlocks the Roar special move.
- trythisathome - Unlocks Flaming Head.
- urbansprawl - Makes pedestrians faster.